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The Odyssey Storytelling Podcast

Feb 8, 2019

At long last, the Odyssey Storytelling Podcast is able to present tales from the June 2015 "Taboo" show, including this first one from longtime Odyssey stalwart Ethel Lee-Miller, in which she breaks one of the oldest taboos in history. From Ethel's Odyssey bio:

Transplanted from New York in 2009, Ethel has embraced just about everything about living in the desert – taking a full water bottle everywhere, learning to identify snakes, and getting really excited about rain, while holding onto certain signature New York speech patterns that cause people to ask “Uh, are you from New York?”
Continuing her love affair with words, she is active in the Arizona writing and storytelling community. She is pleased to have published her memoir Thinking of Miller Place, and her anthology, Seedlings, Stories of Relationships.

This episode was performed and recorded in front of a live audience at The Screening Room in Tucson, AZ, on June 4th, 2015, and was curated by Penelope Starr and Adam Hostetter. For more information about Odyssey Storytelling, please visit