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The Odyssey Storytelling Podcast

Jan 19, 2018

Way back in December of 2015, Drew Cronyn took advantage of the "Body" theme to tell a series of funny and gross and also funny stories about attending autopsy classes in medical school. Side characters in these stories include Fire Island regulars, die-hard Charlie's Angels fans, and people with too many grandmothers. From Drew's Odyssey bio:

Drew Cronyn is delighted to be telling another story for Odyssey. He’s told about parenthood, travel, love and now this. He is from a family of storytellers including one grandfather who was on the bestseller list in the 50’s and another who had a play on Broadway. Hailing from Borrego Springs, California, Drew now lives in far eastern Tucson with his husband and tweenaged son, two dogs and four chickens.

Drew also dedicated this particular story to his now-departed left inguinal hernia.

This episode was performed and recorded in front of a live audience at The Screening Room on December 3rd, 2015, and curated by Carolyn Langford Hussein Fort. For more information about Odyssey Storytelling, please visit