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The Odyssey Storytelling Podcast

Jun 28, 2019

Boycott, break away, protest, resist or strike. Differ or disagree. Chart your own course, refuse to submit or to follow the rules. Object or oppose- be your own person, embrace individuality, enjoy variety or seek diversity.

(Not to be confused with descend [verb] or descent [noun], decent, the scent or the cent.)

This week's storytellers include:

  • Jim Walmann

  • Fran Krackow

  • Timmothy Haver

  • Barbara Lewis

  • Betts Putnam-Hidalgo

  • David W. Fitzsimmons

This episode was performed and recorded at Sea of Glass Center for the Arts in Tucson, Arizona, on June 6th, 2019, and is curated by Tony Paniagua. For more information, please visit